Special Education Program Evaluation

With precision that is aligned with federal and state guidance, we examine your special education program, from the ground up.

We work with you to identify key evaluation questions, a problem statement, and a scope of the evaluation.

The scope of the evaluation will include but may not necessarily be limited to:

  • Gathering and closely analyzing data, including but not limited to data regarding student demographics and achievement, program staffing and curriculum, professional learning, and resource allocation;
  • Interviewing stakeholders, including leaders, faculty, and families;
  • Comparing structures against prevailing trends in special education; and
  • Making recommendations to seize growth opportunities calculated to improve student outcomes

The special education programming within your district or school. The capacity of your teachers. The caliber of your strategies and interventions. The outcomes for your students.

Ours are eyes which are fresh, and so with precision, we see what your special education program does well, and we look at how it could improve. Through this careful look, we answer key evaluation questions and make meaningful recommendations for improvement.

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, Ed.D.
For more information about this service,
contact Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, Ed.D..
Meet the members of our Special Education Program Evaluation Group
Sandra Drummey, Ed.D.

Sandra Drummey, Ed.D

Senior Vice President for Leader & Teacher Development

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, Ed.D.

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, Ed.D

Vice President for Public School Leader & Teacher Development

Steve Perla

Steve Perla


Julie Cantillon, Ph.D

Julie Cantillon, Ph.D

Vice President for Academics & Advocacy