Educator Coaching Overview

Perfecting our craft is proper and right for we who have a job, a career, a vocation. All of these and more is teaching. To the hearts and the minds and the lives which are the beneficiaries of a teacher’s cares, teaching is also a veritable treasure.

When ADAC is invited in, we help the keepers of that treasure to care for it, refresh it, renew it. Learning differently with varying strengths and weaknesses are the beneficiaries of the treasure that teaching is, and fully accounting for and being proactively responsive to this is, for every teacher, both the burden and the blessing.

Because, in the end, hampered are they who are not taught well, and happy are they – our students – who are.

The ADAC Public Academic Services Catalog
For a complete list of our academic services, please download our catalog (PDF).

Special Education Services from ADAC

General In-Class Coaching
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): In-Class Coaching
Personalized Learning: In-Class Coaching
Leadership Coaching & Formation

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